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 The Soul Synergy Oracle Deck
Will Be Published in 2025.


​The Soul Synergy Oracle Deck is a method of self-counseling and inner transformation. It is a tool that guides the reader into incorporating the will of the Divine in their lives. It can be used by anyone who seeks to awaken their intuition and creativity in the journey of creating synergy with their Soul’s longing. It facilitates communication with the knowledge of the unconscious mind as a means to bring awareness to those hidden fears and limiting beliefs that influence choice and behavior. The Deck is an instrument for self-discovery and for strengthening one’s oracular nature.


Each card includes reflection prompts and prayers.





Lu Camy is a hypnotist, author, and intuitive artist residing in upstate New York. The Soul Synergy Oracle Deck represents her exploration of Eastern philosophies, the teachings of "A Course in Miracles," and her extensive background in mind-body practices. Her artwork depicts figures connected with nature and the divine. The pieces are reflective and contemplative, establishing a whimsical, dreamy, and mystical atmosphere.

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